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Finding the Balance

Walking up the trail, I spied a large group with several adults as well as two small kids. None of them wore masks. As we neared each other, it seemed like a game of chicken. Should we just keep proceeding towards each other on the narrow, single-track trail? As we…

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Boulder’s Beach

As I took the dogs out for their lunchtime walk. It felt hot. Nederland hot. In truth, the thermometer reached 74 degrees. However, consider that a typical summer day in Nederland rarely exceeds 80 degrees, it was in fact hot for mid-May. Breaking out my sandals and shorts, I could…

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The Fur Babies

May is the time of year when everything starts to come back alive. Tight green buds start to unfurl on the aspen trees. Flashes of purple dot the barren earth as the first wildflowers begin to bloom. And fur babies start to appear. As I stood out on the deck…

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The May With No Snow

Everything about this month is different. Of course, we’re spending a lot more time at home now due to the pandemic. But I’m talking weather here. I just got one of those Facebook memories that showed up on my news feed. You know the ones that show last  year, or…

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