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Pay to Park? Just Say No!

Last week I met up with some people from Denver, and like any group of Coloradans, the conversation turned to skiing.  Some had Epic passes, preferring Vail, and some had Ikon Passes.  They asked me which one I preferred. “I’m a part-time ski instructor, so I get a pass for…

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Winter Recreation at Brainard

One line kept going through my head over and over again as my skis dipped and slid between the trees.     “Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go!” During the summertime, Brainard Lake is one of the most popular hiking destinations near the Front Range. …

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Skiing for the Disabled

Riding the chairlift, I marveled at the arcing, carving turns made at high speeds.  The ski swooped back and forth across the hill, leaving the tell tale arc of s turns etched into the snow.  The skill of the skier was evident for all who watched him.   What made this…

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Law & Disorder at the Library

I remember the first time I saw Nederland.  Well, actually, there was the first time I saw Nederland in the light of day and the night-time version. We accidentally “stumbled” upon Nederland trying to take a short cut from Idaho Springs to Boulder.  Traffic became gridlocked on I-70 and looking…

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