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Lightning is no Joke

Quiz time!  What causes more fatalities in Colorado?  Mountain lion attacks or lightning strikes? If you live here in the mountains, I’m sure you realize the perils of lightning.  But judging by what I saw today, a lot of people don’t. Ignorance is not Bliss I ran into a group…

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Don’t Feed the Squirrels

A Strange Interaction As I came back from my lunch, I took my familiar position staffing the information desk.  Five minutes later, a family walked in — mom, dad, a younger daughter and son.  They looked to the be the typical midwestern family visiting Rocky Mountain National Park for the…

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The cool air hit me like a blast of air conditioning as I left the house.  Walking up the road, drops of water dripped off the tree branches.  Shawnee’s white fur on her legs was splattered with the red-brown color of the road.  And everything just seemed that much greener. …

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