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Waking Up

Waking up.  Leaves unfurling, flowers blooming, streams gushing.  Spring in the mountains reminds me that nature is coming back to life.  But for certain wildlife, it literally is a time of waking up.  As I saw a picture the other day of a bear walking through someone’s backyard, it brought this point…

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Running at 8200 feet

I gaze upon the massive reservoir with the snow capped mountains looming in the background.  What a view!  I lean over, touching my toes, stretching my hamstrings.  I lean against the sign watching dogs run along the bank, darting in and out of the water, basking in the warmer temperatures….

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Full Moon over the mountains

The golden orb just seeming hung over the tops of the mountains.  The size of it looked immense and its glow cast a glow over the landscape.  I kept driving, mesmerized by large, golden sphere, unable to take my eyes off it, even while trying to stay focused on the…

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Colorado snowpack

http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/ftpref/states/co/snow/state/daily/co_update_snow.pdf There’s a lot of talk about Colorado snowpack during this month, how it compares to normal or average, etc.  Why does this matter so much, you might ask?  It matters because what happens in Colorado with snow and run off affects more than just Colorado.  The snow in the…

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