


Getting kids into The Great Outdoors

In previous posts, I’ve written about the disturbing trends of kids not spending time outside anymore, instead preferring to spend countless hours on smart phones and tablets, something coined by author Richard Louv (Last Child in the Woods), as Nature Deficit Disorder.  Those of us in the parks field know…

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Training for winter

During my morning drive to work, typically I see lots of bicyclists on the roads, a familiar sight.  But recently the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen men and women whizzing on the side of the roads on a different set of wheels.  Wheels that are much smaller and attached…

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The Sounds of Silence

Simon and Garfunkel penned a song many years ago called The Sound of Silence.  The song lamented the sound of silence, comparing it to “a cancer that grows.”  But for me, the sounds of silence are something I treasure about living in the mountains, and especially at our home here…

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The Great “Smoky” Mountains?

Colorado is having a relatively quiet wildfire season this summer, but you wouldn’t know that from the views (or should I say lack of views) along the Front Range this past week.  Most people know the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina who get their smokiness from the fog that hangs…

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