
Winter Park


Moving on

“The three of us are moving to Denver in a couple of weeks and listing the house.” I re-read the text again.  Did it say what I thought it said?  Our neighbor of the last seven years since we moved to Nederland is moving.  And he’s moving to the big…

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Combatting Cabin Fever

“So how do you know so much about the animals in the forest?” This from the mouth of an 8-year old from Arkansas who was sitting on the chairlift with me at Winter Park.  He was part of my ski school class I was teaching for that day. “Well, I…

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Skimming the pond

Note:  I apologize to my friends and acquaintances, who read the blog regularly, for my absence the last several days.  My laptop computer completely crashed, and fried the motherboard.  It’s still at the computer repair as I type, and I am borrowing one to write this post. As we walked…

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Have axe, will chop

Feeling still groggy from my 5:30 a.m. wake up, I try to focus on the road ahead.  Making the turn onto Hurricane Hill, I spot flashing blue and red lights in the middle of the road from  Nederland police vehicle.  That’s weird, an accident at 6 a.m. on a Friday?…

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