


Boulder B-cycle

Nederland is located in Boulder County, which is about the most bike-crazy place I have ever lived.  Everyone has a bike, rides a bike — sometimes it can feel like there are more bicyclists on the roads than drivers.  Each day as I drive Foothills Parkway, the road from Boulder…

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Smoke in Your Eyes

Sorry for the missed post last night, such are the whims of Internet Service in a rural area.  We don’t have cable available to us, so have to use microwave technology to get local service.  Our local provider, Mountain Broadband, decided to change out equipment, and now we have no…

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Mining Moly

Since living in Colorado, I’ve often found that my outdoor adventures have led to in depth history discoveries.  Yesterday was no different.  Bryon and I set out to find a hike in a more remote area, a bit off the beat and path, away from the crowds along the Front…

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Curbside chipping

If you’ve ever seen the movie Fargo, there is probably one scene that left an indelible and unforgettable impression on you.  (For those who haven’t seen it — warning, spoiler alert!).  At the end of the movie, our fearless heroine, Marge, the local police chief, catches the criminal red-handed (literally…

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