


In search of the center place

“How did you end up moving to Nederland?” A frequent question from friends, house guests, visitors. The answer is more complicated than you would think. This week I’ve been reading the latest issue of Outside magazine, the anniversary issue with feature articles from various writers.  One in particular caught my…

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Signs of fall

That pop of yellow among the blue-green pines and firs.  Frost on the windshield of the car.  The sound of an elk bugling in the distance. Signs of fall are all around.  While some lament the passing of summer, I’m not among them.  I’ve never been a fan of hot…

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An orange moon

While doing dishes at the kitchen sink in our Nederland home, I love gazing out the back window looking at the tops of Mt. Meeker and Longs Peak.  It always gives me a sense of awe and reminds me of why I love living in the mountains so much. But…

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Place Names

Out on a hike with my good friends Linda and Larry, we stopped to take a break.  As we snacked on power bars and trail mix, we gazed upon the high peaks that seemed to surround us in each direction.  We pulled out a map to look up the names…

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