


It’s Dead Guys Days again

The iconic FDGD appeared at the traffic circle again, and I thought “is it time again already?”  This weekend harkens the 17th annual Frozen Dead Guy Days festival in Nederland, when around 20,000 people from far and wide will descend on our tiny town in the foothills. For small mountain…

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The Fraser Valley

As we descend down Berthoud Pass, the expanse of the valley starts to come into view.  Driving further north towards Fraser and Granby heading towards Grand Lake, the views open and the skies become enormous.  Spending time in the Fraser Valley reminds me of Colorado’s version of “Big Sky Country.”…

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Some day…

Many years ago when I worked for the C&O Canal National Historical Park in Maryland, I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker, Lorraine.  I always enjoyed talking to Lorraine, because she was one of the kindest people I knew. “So Lorraine, how long until retirement?” “I only have one…

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All About Elk

Glancing out the window in the waning hours of light, a blur of movement caught my eye.  And there she was , standing in the new fallen snow.  The female Rocky Mountain Elk stood next to the lodgepole pine, pausing for just a moment before she dashed off into the…

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