


It ain’t over…

Until it’s over.  As I looked out the window last evening, the flakes started to fall.  First just a few, then more.  Perfectly formed, large, fluffy flakes.  By the time I got up this morning in Winter Park, Colorado, snow fell at a rapid rate, covering the trees and the…

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Your GPS lied

We waited and waited and waited.  I’d been excited to have my family visit our Nederland home for the first time since we moved here.  They’d flown into Denver and rented a car to make the 1-hour drive to our mountain home.  Living off of a private dirt road, I’d…

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April Fools or April Nightmare?

“In a shocking move, Thursday, Nederland Town Hall announced plans to incorporate into the City of Boulder.” So led the front page article of Nederland’s local weekly newspaper, the Mountain-Ear .  Just the thought of such a preposterous idea led me to shudder.  What??? For some local residents who didn’t…

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Ghost Cats

The ripped apart bloody remains of the deer were the first sign.   The giant paw prints in the snow, showing five distinct pads were the second sign.  Make no mistake — the Rocky Mountains of Colorado are mountain lion habitat. Living in the Sierra Mountains of California and now the…

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