
Boulder Canyon


The End of the Mining Era

“Is anyone still mining in this area?” the man asked. It was a question I got all the time during my stint as the coordinator at the Nederland Mining Museum.  Nederland, after all, was found on mining way back in the 1800s. At the time, the person that came to…

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Rock Slides

“Ding, Ding” Fast asleep under the down comforter, I thought I dreamed it.  A doorbell, maybe? Nope, it was my cell phone.  Picking it up, I glanced at the time — 5:08 a.m.  Who could be messaging me at this hour?  Maybe an east coast friend… “Boulder Canyon closed at…

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Cell Service in Boulder Canyon?

During the last few months of surviving road construction, a few things have provided a bit of comic relief.  None, more so than waiting at a stoplight in the canyon and reading the sign posted at said stoplight. “If signals are flashing, contact 970-260-8719” I literally had a LOL moment…

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How the Other Half Rides

It’s true. Boulder County and its cycling community has gotten under my skin at times. Like the time I drove an SUV on Foothills Parkway, hauling a trailer behind me.  Fighting to keep the car on the road while battling the cross winds proved difficult enough. But then when I…

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