


First snow

As faint light enveloped the room, I stumbled out of bed.  Walking out to the loft, I stared out the huge windows facing west to see a world of white.  It really had happened.  Fluffy snow coated the deck railings and the barbecue.  Soft flakes continued to float down out…

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What is wilderness?

As I walked down the trail, I glimpse the sign in the distance.  Weathered, the light brown color fading, it marks a special boundary.  Indian Peaks Wilderness.  While this sign in simple terms means relatively little, in larger terms wilderness symbolizes so much more.  Particularly in the world we live…

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I hate summer

The race is on.  Can I get home before the yogurt turns to soup?  Will the frozen pizza be a limp piece of thawed crust before it makes into my freezer?  These questions will be answered by whether I am stuck behind a turtle going up the canyon, and whether…

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