


Hiking Through Snow

White caps.  Literally caps of white cover the trail in front of us.  As we ascend the mountain, they rise higher into points of white.  It’s funny, because I am reminded of a different place and time staring at those peaked shapes whipped up by the wind.  The winter of…

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From record-setting heat to snow…

Tractor-trailers jack-knifed into a ditch.  Small sedans sliding backwards down the hill.  It’s like navigating a slalom course of cars stuck hither and yon all over the roadway.  What started out as the routine commute to get home had turned into an endurance contest of navigating cars spinning out of…

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A Snowless Winter?

Hikers, backpackers, dogs, and more dogs.  It was a perfect day for hiking — lots of sunshine, blue skies, a crisp fall day.  Donning my vest and a simple long-sleeve shirt, we made our way up the trail. I glance over to the creek.  In contrast to early last summer,…

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