


Dry Spell

They say we average 300 days of sunshine here in Colorado.  Sometimes in the middle of winter, when we are having an epic snowstorm and the snow is piling up outside our windows, it doesn’t feel like it.  But for the last several weeks, I have no trouble believing that…

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Fire Safety vs. Forest Beauty

Riding along the mountain bike trails, I felt exhilarated by the twists and turns through the forest.  The rolling paths through the woods brought an intimacy I felt with the pines, firs and aspen trees.  So it was a bit of a shock the very next summer to see large…

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Have axe, will chop

Feeling still groggy from my 5:30 a.m. wake up, I try to focus on the road ahead.  Making the turn onto Hurricane Hill, I spot flashing blue and red lights in the middle of the road from  Nederland police vehicle.  That’s weird, an accident at 6 a.m. on a Friday?…

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Invasion of the Stink Bugs

Still feeling half asleep, I stumble into the bathroom to take a shower.  Pulling back the shower curtain, I glance into the gleaming white tub to find three large stink bugs in the bottom.  Back when we first moved into our house, this probably would have elicited a shriek or…

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