


The year of little snow

With a whimper, ski season comes to an end.  During the last seven years living on the Front Range here in Colorado, we’ve had some memorable April ski days.  In fact, I can remember skiing the closing day at Winter Park several years ago during a snowy, powder day. But…

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Like many other commuters around the country on a Wednesday morning at 7 a.m., I found myself sitting in a traffic jam on an interstate highway.  Unlike the rest of you, I am thoroughly baffled by this occurrence.  Why am I sitting in a traffic jam on westbound I-70 near…

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Through-hiking through big snow

I looked behind me and couldn’t see my tracks.  A glance in front revealed nothing but wind-swept snow.  How had I gotten myself into this mess?  I had no idea where the trail was.  I started to breathe harder as panic washed over me.  Then I chuckled, thinking how bad…

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Pop, Pop, Pop

POP! At first, I wasn’t sure what happened.  Was the car backfiring?  Did a tire blow out? No, the car seemed to functioning just the same as always.  Still, I’d definitely heard a loud pop and it seemed to be coming from the rear of the car. Only upon arriving…

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