


Wildfire Concerns

A look at the National Weather Service website, provided a rainbow of colors across the state of Colorado — red, pink, orange blotches all dotted the map.  What exactly was going on?  Such is the state of weather and micro climates in Colorado.  At the same time snow fell on…

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Affordable housing in mountain country

Living and working in some of the most scenic places in the country has often created challenges during my life.  This balancing act began over 20 years ago when I first moved to the Sierra Nevada town of Mammoth Lakes to work for Mammoth Mountain, the local ski resort.  Getting…

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Recreation Weather/Climate

Finding the elusive snow stake!

The trees were grouped tightly together, so we made one swooping turn followed by another, using the trees as slalom gates.  We weren’t quite sure where we were going. Suddenly, we spied a ski patroller ahead in a clearing.  What was this?  Some sort of equipment was cordoned off, restricting public…

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It ain’t over…

Until it’s over.  As I looked out the window last evening, the flakes started to fall.  First just a few, then more.  Perfectly formed, large, fluffy flakes.  By the time I got up this morning in Winter Park, Colorado, snow fell at a rapid rate, covering the trees and the…

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