


White Carpets (or lack thereof)

A lot of people I have known or visited over the years have white or cream colored carpets (or floors) in their house, and I can understand the attraction.  White or cream is a neutral color that goes with about everything, and white carpets can have a very luxe look…

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Starry Nights

We’ve had some crystal clear days this past week which have translated into blue skies, and at night, some amazing starry nights.  Having grown up in an urban area, I never really learned much about the night skies, astronomy or anything else.  The city lights simply dimmed most of the…

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When Will It Snow?

As we fast approach the end of October, it looks like this is one for the record books.  It is turning into one of the warmest, driest Octobers in Nederland’s history, with temperatures 10 degrees warmer than normal.  Yesterday, it was in the 70s up here in the mountains, and…

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For many, October symbolizes leaves turning colors, the first frost, and shorter days — in general, all the signs of Fall.  However, for me, October is a month of transition from one seasonal job to another.  I finish my summer/fall job working in the parks, and pick up more hours…

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