


Growing up in a mountain town

I was driving down to work the other morning via our infamous “Summer Road” and saw the local school bus waiting near the top of the Summer Road, as it does most mornings.  The school bus turns around and waits on the neighborhood road for the parents to drop their children…

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Skiing at 96 years young

As an avid skier, I’ve always liked to think that skiing and being outdoors in the winter time also contributes to good health.  An article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal the other day caught my eye as proof positive that in fact, skiing can lead to better health…

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The “Ole Dibble”

I’ve been out of town the last several days and thus otherwise occupied and off the internet.  But today, we drove back through Kansas and Eastern Colorado on a crystal clear day.  My husband and I like to play a game I played as a child on our many trip…

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Memories of Ned

I’m on a road trip right now out in the midwest, so apologies for the delay in posting from earlier this week.  Driving across the prairie of eastern Colorado and Kansas is quite the contrast to our mountain home.  Though most associate the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with the “west”,…

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