


Spring Skiing

Riding the chairlift, the sun warmed my face as I gazed out at the azure blue sky.  With temperatures topping out in the 40s, I didn’t even need to wear my parks, instead wearing a lighter jacket over a long-sleeve T-shirt.  Getting off at the top, at a lofty 12,000…

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A new kind of Colorado Tourist

As I showed my prospective employee around the museum, the older couple walked in the back door. “Are you open?  We wanted to see the museum!” Though we weren’t technically open, and wouldn’t be for another month, I said,”Sure, come take a look around.  We’re not really open, but I’m…

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A Ride on the California Zephyr

Clackety-clack, clackety-clack.  The car sways back and forth as I try to sleep on the bottom bunk.  All of the sudden a foot is coming down from above — it’s Bryon stepping down off the top bunk to go to the bathroom.  Sleep comes in fits and starts, my body…

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The winter that just won’t quit

The blast of cold air greets me harshly as I exit the plane and stride onto the jetway.  The first thought that crosses my mind — I am way underdressed.  Wearing a thin tank top and sandals on my bare feet, I am dressed for a warm day in California.  As…

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