
Longs Peak


Fourteener weather

As we drove up the Peak to Peak Highway, the sky turned a fiery orange.  Looking to the east, early morning clouds mixed with the sky brightening minute by minute with the early September sunrise.  Just a few minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot for the Longs Peak…

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In Between Seasons

Skiing season is long over.  The big running race that I’ve been training for is over.  Memorial Day is over.  By all rights, it’s time for summer activities, namely hiking camping and backpacking.  Early June is a weird time up in the Rocky Mountains.  It’s the in between season. Temperatures…

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A Tale of Two Hikes

Though I’ve lived in Boulder County for over five years now, I really hadn’t realized how incredibly diverse the outdoor environment is until this past summer while working at different county parks.  When a  plant ecologist spoke passionately about the diversity of the county’s ecosystems during a recent training workshop, I started…

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