Monthly Archives

December 2016


20,000 Steps

20,000 steps.  I looked at the my Fitbit again, just to make sure I’d read it correctly.  Yep, 4 p.m. and it says 20,000 steps.  Did I just go on a long hike?  Did I run ten miles through along the paths of Boulder?  Nope.  Just a simple day of…

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As we drove along the Peak to Peak Highway, the winds buffeted my car.  I clutched the steering wheel as first one gust, then another, caused the car to shift sideways.  As we pushed on, the sand deposited by the CDOT trucks whirled into sandy, snowy cyclones that whipped against…

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A very Colorado Christmas Eve

As I stand up and zip down the ramp from the chairlift, a lady is standing in front of me holding out two red sticks for me to take.  I ski up to her, grab the sticks and head off to the left towards the top of the icy ski…

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Sliding and gliding through the woods

The sound of silence.  This and the occasional hissing sounds of my skis or galloping sounds from one of the dogs as they come romping along behind us.  I stare at the snow weighing down the boughs of the fir and pine trees.  A glance down shows I am not…

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