Monthly Archives

March 2016


Northern Exposure?

When I was younger,  I was fascinated with a television series titled Northern Exposure from the early 1990s.  For all of you who never watched it, or it predates your existence, it was a show about a New York City doctor who moves to a quirky small town in Alaska….

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Rime or Reason…

Every branch of the Aspen trees seemed coated in an iridescent frost creating a winter scene that took my breath away.  It was different from the ordinary morning after a snowstorm where snow bedecks the branches of the evergreens in the forest.  Not only were the Aspens coated, but the…

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Powder day or powder disaster?

Skiing down the Mary Jane trail felt like I was picking my way through a minefield — a minefield of skiers who had crashed, face planted and otherwise come to an untimely demise.  There were bodies strewn all the way down the trail as I made turns zigging and zagging,…

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Texas tourism

Sitting around the hot tub, I kept hearing the twang of a southern drawl.  “How was ya’ll’s ski day?” “Where’d ya’ll have dinner tonight?” After a day of skiing and riding the chairlifts, I wasn’t surprised.  I’m a pretty friendly person, so I frequently ask people where they are from…

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