
Boulder Creek


Cell Service in Boulder Canyon?

During the last few months of surviving road construction, a few things have provided a bit of comic relief.  None, more so than waiting at a stoplight in the canyon and reading the sign posted at said stoplight. “If signals are flashing, contact 970-260-8719” I literally had a LOL moment…

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Life Zones

Driving down Boulder Canyon, this particular morning, my senses are heightened.  I’m noticing the snow clinging to the granite as I drive through the Narrows.  As I pass the turn off to Sugarloaf Road, the vibrant green budding leaves of the Narrowleaf Cottonwood stand out.  Finally, as I arrive in…

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The Mountain Commute

“So do you really love living up here?” Karen asked. “Yeah, pretty much.” “So what do you find the most daunting about it?  It’s probably the commute, isn’t it?  Is it hard driving up and down the canyon every day?” I felt surprised by her assumption. “No, the commute doesn’t…

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From record-setting heat to snow…

Tractor-trailers jack-knifed into a ditch.  Small sedans sliding backwards down the hill.  It’s like navigating a slalom course of cars stuck hither and yon all over the roadway.  What started out as the routine commute to get home had turned into an endurance contest of navigating cars spinning out of…

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