


Wildlife Jams

For much of my life I lived in the suburbs and commuted to work on packed freeways. Like many others, I spent much of my time stuck in the proverbial traffic jam.  Cars would inch along at a snail’s pace, and it would take me an hour to go 10…

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Dead Foxes

What’s cuter than a baby? A baby fox that is. One of the joys of this spring and summer has been seeing foxes and their kits den in our neighborhood. At first, I only got momentary glimpse of the little gray puff balls hiding under the rocks. Their tiny bodies…

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The Wonder of Wildlife

My first clue was Shawnee’s ears perking up. As she stared intently in the woods, I knew there was something out there. “What do you see Shawnee?” Then a blue of brown with a creamy white butt appeared between the trees. Elk! During a time when nothing feels normal, nature…

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A Mouse…Not in the House?

I’m not a morning person.  Getting up at 5 a.m. is hard, very hard. Lots of coffee helps, as it did one recent morning as I navigated the dark, snowy roads of our neighborhood.  As the headlights lit the road in front of me, something scurried across.  Something very small…

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