


What to do when you can’t do

I peered down the hill — nothing but powder.  Pushing off, my ski tips sank below the fluff, sending sprays of fluff up. “Wow, that’s some great skiing!” said my fellow ski instructor.  As I continued down the hill, my spirits soared.  With my instructor’s exam only six weeks ago, I…

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Colorado Road Trips

A Blast from the Past in Steamboat

“When do you think we’ll see the signs?” I asked Bryon. “Any mile now, I’m thinking.” “There it is!” The ubiquitous yellow sign with black lettering proclaimed, “Stetson hats for $6.98” with the black silhouette of a bucking bronco, and the name of the business — F.M. Light and Sons….

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Dashing Through the Snow

“Ready?  Hike!” With those two words, eight dogs begin to run in unison, pulling our sled behind them.  They are quite an assortment — black and white, some taller than the other, and all quite vocal.  Up the hill they go, eager to keep going around each bend. As we…

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Holiday Weekends

The traffic piled up as the car with the red and white plates motored along at a blazing 20 miles per hour.  The driver appeared oblivious to the fact he was driving 20 miles per hour below the speed limit.  But I’m sure for him or her, driving a winding…

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