
Colorado Rocky Mountains


Mountain driving & road rage

The little 4-door sedan that seemed just a little too clean, kept edging to the left, putting me that much more on edge.  Doesn’t he know he’s driving in the lane of oncoming traffic?  Why didn’t that truck just pull over?  The outdoor supply truck had Florida plates on it,…

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The Empire Light Strikes Back

It’s 6 a.m. on a cold and blustery Sunday morning in late January.  By all rights, anyone in a sane frame of mind would be snug in their bed, sleeping deeply, covers pulled tightly up to their noses.  But not in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado…. One look from high…

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Honey, I almost hit a moose!

Still groggy from getting up at 5 a.m., I climbed into my dirty Subaru Forester with my cup of coffee and drove out the snowy driveway.  Plugging in my iTunes for some driving music at this early hour, I glanced up and saw something flash across the road.  Slowing down,…

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