


Fun in the Sand

The purples, orange and pinks of the sky illuminated the sky.  It was breathtaking.  As we sat on the sand with the two dogs, we just took it all in.  The giant mountains of sand, the magnificent sky and the colors.  It was a perfect sunset.  Sounds like maybe a…

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The Calm After the Storm

Hordes of people populated the deck.  Sitting in T-shirts, drinking beer, sunning themselves like lizards hanging out on rocks.  The sun is high in the sky, tanning and warming the faces of all those engaged in some serious deck action.  If you didn’t know better, you’d have thought it was…

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Only in Boulder

The snow was picking up, making it difficult to see, much less drive, as we entered the outskirts of Boulder.  The streets had suddenly become that much more icy, as the slush began to accumulate in  between the lanes.  Out of the corner of my eye, some brightly colored lights caught…

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Getting kids into The Great Outdoors

In previous posts, I’ve written about the disturbing trends of kids not spending time outside anymore, instead preferring to spend countless hours on smart phones and tablets, something coined by author Richard Louv (Last Child in the Woods), as Nature Deficit Disorder.  Those of us in the parks field know…

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