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A Ten Year Love Affair

Ten years ago today, a great love affair began.  I looked into those warm brown eyes, and saw that plume of a tail wagging, and he had me.  I was instantly smitten.  I walked into an animal shelter in Hagerstown, Maryland and my life was changed forever.  But adopting Simon…

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The Empire Light Strikes Back

It’s 6 a.m. on a cold and blustery Sunday morning in late January.  By all rights, anyone in a sane frame of mind would be snug in their bed, sleeping deeply, covers pulled tightly up to their noses.  But not in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado…. One look from high…

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Wood stoves and mountain living

I woke up that first morning to temperatures that felt more like camping in the mountains than living in a house.  Wrapped in my covers like a caterpillar in its cocoon, I procrastinated as long as possible, before finally throwing the covers off.  Wondering why it felt like there was…

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High Altitude Advantage

Upon seeing my primary care doctor for a routine physical, I was reminded once again of the advantages of Rocky Mountain living.  She ordered the routine blood test panel to check cholesterol, glucose, etc. as a benchmark of my overall health.   As she went through the test results, everything…

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