Monthly Archives

July 2015


A Tale of Two Hikes

Though I’ve lived in Boulder County for over five years now, I really hadn’t realized how incredibly diverse the outdoor environment is until this past summer while working at different county parks.  When a  plant ecologist spoke passionately about the diversity of the county’s ecosystems during a recent training workshop, I started…

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The Dangers of Summit Fever

As a Park Ranger, I have often been asked about mountain lions and the dangers they pose.  It’s probably the single biggest worry most visitors seem to have about hiking in national parks.  But my favorite statistic about mountain lions doesn’t say so much about them, as it does about…

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Boulder B-cycle

Nederland is located in Boulder County, which is about the most bike-crazy place I have ever lived.  Everyone has a bike, rides a bike — sometimes it can feel like there are more bicyclists on the roads than drivers.  Each day as I drive Foothills Parkway, the road from Boulder…

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The Daily Commute

Tomorrow is my Monday, which for most people brings about a sense of angst as they begin their work week anew.  Part of this has to do with just the stress of getting to work, dealing with traffic and the slow grind of going to work.  When I reflect back…

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