Monthly Archives

February 2015


Time to Burn

As I was driving down to the Nederland transfer station yesterday, I saw a curious sight – a single file line of firefighters walking down Ridge Road, complete with Nomex yellow shirts, green pants and hard hats.  It seemed so out of place with the 3-foot banks of snow lining…

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The Not-So-Summer Road

As I was walking the dogs tonight, we decided to take a stroll through the deep snow down The Summer Road.  We had gotten an e-mail from our neighbor saying the road was impassable because a car had flipped and was blocking the road.  Seeing the car and all the…

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Sunday drive

Went skiing for the day at Arapahoe Basin, one of the many downhill ski resorts located along Interstate 70 in Colorado.  We were bracing ourselves for the brutal drive back this afternoon eastbound, and were pleasantly surprised that traffic flowed nicely.  All this, after I geared myself up for bumper…

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Shawnee’s woes

Got some bad news today about our border collie, Shawnee.  She had been intermittently lame on her left front leg for the last two months, so finally took her to the vet and got her x-rayed.  Turns out she has very bad elbow dysplasia with serious inflammation, which may completely…

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