


Being Present

Waiting at a stoplight in Boulder, the turn signal turned green.  Yet the car in front of me didn’t move.  I waited patiently a few seconds, and still nothing.  Finally, I tooted the horn, and just as the light was turning yellow, he turned onto the cross street. In the…

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The Joys of Telecommuting

Many years ago I attended a retreat in California.  The keynote speaker talked of finding fulfillment in your life.  On the topic of work, he said “Find work that is creative and challenging.” Such a simple phrase, but so much meaning packed into it.  I’d probably add one more addendum: …

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Dog Parks

When I first moved to Nederland, I met a woman in our neighborhood who worked at the library.  She recounted a funny conversation she’d had that day with an out of town visitor. “These people from Texas stopped in the library today.  They asked me where the local dog park…

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Giving Thanks for a Mountain of Blessings

During this time of gratitude, I like to reflect on what makes me thankful to live here in this mountain haven.  So here goes: I’m grateful for the sounds and sights of the moose who choose to make their home in my neighborhood.  May the people who live here be…

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